
Our terms and conditions of use

Rule 1

        The first way for retail online order on website you may find. It mean through PayPal and Skrill Money Bookers.

Rule 2

       Retail order is another way through western union money gram. Some people do not use PayPal and Skrill money booker accounts. They can send payment through western union money gram. The best of send payment.


     People who want to use western union money gram also want to make shopping at our online store. The shopping cart in the amount of your order sent via western union money gram.


      If you want to use western union's online system so please you can get help from our online services, link on the skype or facebook. Now you can send money in stay in the home via western union money gram.

Rule 3

       Third rule of the terms and conditions is through bank wire transfer payments. This is special rules for the wholesale orders. Some people want wholesale order so we will use method via bank wire transfer. Please take our bank wire information to online help service via skype or facebook.


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